Ladys and Gentlemen:
Today is Jan 13, 2002. Today I am sitting here reading and reacting to several posts started on Dec.12, 2001 by Uncle Dave, Tracy, Bsharp and others in the subject of "peforming and playing music" in general. kind of late for my response, but better late than never. First, let me thank you guys for taking the time to offer such a comprehensive and profound insight into the subject.
Music, (behind my dear wife)is the # 1 thing in my life and I take quite seriously. I have 35 years in the business and, at 59, I am very thankful that I am still able to make a living and enjoy it at the same time. Your thoughts an suggestions on the subject are so refreshing and helpful that I've decided to print them and compile them for future reference; specially for those days when I feel discouraged (and eventually we all do)I need some reasurance and encouragement to continue. You guys are definitely are versed on the subject extremely well and I identify with you in so many ways that is scary. To UncleDave who, I heard is writing a book, make sure this is one become part of its chapters. Just on this subject alone, you have a future book buyer.
Thanks agan, and sorry for the late reaction.
"Music should be heard, not felt. Protect your hearing"
Take a listen to some clips of my latest CD album. Thanks!